World Environment Day celebrations in Lamwo district

For the past 10 years, people in northern Uganda have been resettling on their land after the conflict between the Government of Uganda and the Lord Resistance Army came to an end.
While resettling, the people are continuously clearing the greenery for shelter construction and agriculture. This has resulted in to environmental shocks and catastrophes like droughts and prolonged dry spells that greatly affect the climate and people’s livelihood sources like agriculture.
To reverse this trend, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has implemented a number of projects to enhance environment conservation, and also strengthen eco-friendly livelihood activities for the people. These projects include the ongoing energy facility project-Teko wa among others. The Teko Wa project funded by the European Union and Church of Sweden in four districts; Lamwo, Kitgum, Pader, and Agago has made considerable strides in enhancing environment conservation and the development of green businesses among the rural populace.
It’s through such environment related projects that LWF implements environment conservation activities like tree planting, tree marking to prevent careless tree cutting, communal environmental sensitizations, advocating for environment conservation bylaws, the use of solar energy and eco-friendly stoves as well as the commemoration of the World Environment Day.
About the World Environment Day
The United Nations General Assembly declared the World Environment Day (5th/June) during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment that was held in Stockholm in 1972.
UN member states are required to reflect on their environment conservation initiatives and also reaffirm their commitment to sustainable environment management. It’s a day that provides a flagship avenue for awareness raising on environmental issues like global warming, wildlife crime among others.

Prime celebrations for the World Environment Day
The increased desire of the district councils and communities to create sustainable environment conservation mechanisms amidst the refugee influx, smoothed LWF’s advocacy for the three districts- Kitgum, Pader and Lamwo to commemorate the World Environment Day.
Lamwo District Local Government in collaboration with LWF, UNHCR, and other agencies have therefore organized the World Environment Day celebrations on 5th/06/2017 at the Palabek Ogili sub-county Headquarters. The event will be attended by the districts communities, humanitarian organizations, students, District Local Government staff among others.
This year’s global theme is ‘Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator’. The Uganda national celebrations for this year will be held in Ibanda district with a customized theme “Connect to Nature, appreciate Biodiversity”
Activities planned for the celebrations include; tree planting, environmental run/ marathon, environment related drama and plays from eco-club schools, radio talk shows, exhibitions by in individuals and organizations including; LWF, Mercy Corps, Caritas, FH, IRC, AVSI, Tree talk, ILF among others. Marathon and exhibition winners will be awarded.
Environment conservation and degradation sensitization sessions as well reflection on the environmental conservation initiatives in the three districts will also be implemented at the event. The event participants will be entertained by local musicians, school eco-club pupils, a brass band and a cultural dance troupe.
The Teko wa project local structures such as private nursery operators (PNOs), local stove artisans (LSAs), eco-clubs, and solar dissemination partners will get the opportunity to showcase and sell their products.
Being the flag bearer of environmental conservation in Lamwo and the surrounding districts, LWF is at the forefront of the preparations for the event and will support over 75% of the planned budget.