Water not for sale in Ataboo village

Hundreds of people in Ataboo B, Adjumani district would trek two kilometers every day to access clean water in a nearby village. Majority of these were women and children. This was after the communal borehole, drilled by the Government of Uganda broke down in 2012 after 17 years of service to 200 households.
On break down, water users had to part with UGX 200 per 20 litre jerry can of water even after trekking the 2 kilometres to the water point. This made access to enough water almost impossible for the people of Ataboo B village.
“Only a few people could afford to bathe daily as we always saved the little water we got for drinking and preparing food.” “Due to poor sanitation and hygiene, diarrhea and other communicable diseases became common in our community especially among children.” Said Joyce Sebit a 32-year-old lady appointed to lead the Water User Committee responsible for maintaining the borehole and its site.
To extend clean water to the community the Local District of Adjumani reached out to the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to rehabilitate the borehole which the organization did in 2017 with funds from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). “We had to rehabilitate the borehole to extend clean water to the people of Ataboo village because water is a basic need and access to it is right for all.” said Daniel Mwesige, LWF's WASH Officer in Adjumani district.
200 households of Ataboo now have access to clean water and have established a 9-member Water User Committee to maintain the borehole. The Committee’s role is to maintain the borehole, keep its site clean, and to collect money from water users every month that can be used to repair the borehole in case of any mechanical breakdowns.
“We don’t have to queue for hours to get water and our children don’t have to miss school because they were delayed at the water points.” “With access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation has also greatly improved hence improved health especially among our children.” Said Sebit.
LWF appreciates PRM's support towards its humanitarian activities aimed at extending clean water to people in Adjumani district's settlements and host communities.