Surgery Restores Hope for a ‘Future Nurse’

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has taken initiative to support children who are born with disabilities to have equal chances in future, by offering medical consultations and cost-free operations with Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) funded ‘Safe guarding Lives with Multi-sector Assistance’ (SALIMA) project.
Sarah Lalama (not real name) was born healthy but her life took a whole new twist when she fell sick and was taken to a health care centre for treatment. While there, the medicine that was administered had a lifetime impact. Sarah walked into the hospital and came out wheel-chair bound.
Time has gone by since that fateful encounter but the repercussions of the incident stifled Sarah’s opportunity to play like other children, be as active as life could allow and attend school. In the realities of geographically harsh terrain, not allowing for easy access, the 11-year old has not gone to school. With no mobility aid, she could not crawl up the hill to make it to the nearest school in Maratatu D where she lives with her family after seeking refuge in Uganda following the insurgency back home in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sarah was identified by LWF project officers under the SALIMA project who sought to support differently abled children. “Children that are differently abled were identified and operated. They were operated at Hoima regional referral hospital and were fully supported by LWF protection team. They were also supported with materials, and equipment like tricycles, clutches,” submitted Tom Glady Keliki, a Protection Officer LWF in Kyangwali.
Today, Sarah sees a lot of light at the end of the tunnel. She persistently carries out her physiotherapy exercises so that she will be able to walk again as advised by her physiotherapist after the surgery.
This cheerful girl edging adolescence enthusiastically prospects a future where she will become a nurse. She hopes for a chance to go to school and help people, just like she has been helped to the extent of being able to dream again.
LWF greatly appreciates PRM for the funds extended through the SALIMA project to make a difference in lives and restore hope for the future.