"I didn't only witness their death, I carry the scars"

On 13th January 2018, Peace (not real name) arrived in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement from Congo.
The population of 35,000 in the settlement soared after an inter-ethnic violence between Lendu and Hema communities in Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in December 2017 forced close to 60,000 civilians to cross the Lake Albert into Hoima District Uganda, seeking for refuge.
Despite efforts by humanitarian agencies to provide necessary services, the Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs) remained underserved without targeted interventions.
LWF, with funding from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), identified Peace among the most vulnerable, who need tailored support to enable them access to critical services, such as health care and other basic needs.
LWF works in partnership with medical service providers and referral agencies, such as Medical Team International (MTI).
While referral hospitals offer services free of charge, humanitarian organizations support in terms of transport, meals, caretakers, medication, psychosocial support etc. to ensure access to life-saving services.
“I am 41 years, a mother of 5 children living in Mombasa, in Kyangwali Settlement. We were attacked by rebels in Congo, they killed my husband and my first born in my presence, then after they gang raped me. I was rescued by the government army that took me to hospital when I was in coma. After I was discharged from the hospital, I travelled to Uganda for safety with the remaining 5 children. Not until I developed complications such as severe back and abdominal pain, and bleeding, did I know I was pregnant. When I went to the Health Centre, they discovered I had damages to my womb. I was treated, and the fetus was removed as it had died. They said that I needed to go for a specialized treatment. I went back home worried, as I had no money to go for further treatment. In May 2019, I was referred to LWF by community volunteer who knew my story. The following day, I went to LWF and I was assessed and supported with UGX 300,000 to enable me meet expenses, such as meals during admission to Hoima regional referral Hospital together with my caretaker. Ever since my life has improved. I can manage to do some simple work like gardening, and other house chores supported by my children. And we even constructed our temporary house. I was asked to go back for review in April 2020, but I don’t see myself going back since I have no money... Any well-wisher who might support me to go back will help to change my life.”
In addition to medical and rehabilitative care, LWF will support Peace with a shelter for improved living conditions, together with her children. With funding from Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), LWF protection team is able to reach hundreds of survivors like Peace with individually tailored support to assists them to recover, to live in more dignified settings and to cover their basic needs.