How traumatized South Sudanese have found safety in Palabek settlement

New South Sudanese refugees arrive in Lamwo district on 12/04/2017


Refugees talk about militia targeting common people. "They shoot at anybody not part of them, leaving most of our loved ones lifeless; we have lost mothers, fathers, siblings and children to their attacks," 35-year-old Watson Odaga, a South Sudanese refugee in Palabek settlement.

"They rape women openly on the streets, break in to people's houses, steal everything and set them on fire, they shoot at people’s legs and leave them helpless and in severe pain that they choose to take their own lives before God choses to. This, I have witnessed." He adds. 

Those who have made it to Uganda feel grateful and hopeful about life as they explain that there were thin chances of survival. They endured sleepless, hungry days as they trekked 42 kilo metres from Pajok, Ayagi among other sub-counties in the Equatorial region of South Sudan.

Majority of the new arrivals are children and women while a few are men. Men chose to stay back home to protect their property, while others join the war; some willingly and others "are abducted and forcefully initiated into the different militia groups," 20-year-old Vicky Apalo, who left her husband in South Sudan.

New arrivals are received and hosted by the Government of Uganda through the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) with support from humanitarian organizations like LWF. 

On arrival to Ngomoromo border collection point, new arrivals are registered and transferred to Palabek reception centre, both sites managed by LWF. At the reception centre, new arrivals are offered three hot meals a day, accommodation, clean water and access to sanitary facilities.

‘’We also provide them with core relief items like blankets, mats, kitchen sets, basins, jerry cans, soap to enable them live in dignity.’’ added Onen.

After 24 hours at the Reception Centre, each refugee is offered a 30x30 ft plot of land by OPM on which they can construct house to start life anew. UNHCR and LWF provide refugees with shelter construction kits building materials. "Getting a home at no cost in a foreign land is unbelievable, we are forever grateful." says Simon Okeny.

Relocating new arrivals from the reception centre to the settlement is done to create space for new arrivals as the influx continues in thousands. 2,000 were received on 12/04/2017, the day the reception centre was opened, 2,000 more were hosted the next day. 

LWF emergency response team shares action points at Palabek reception centre on 13/04/2017


LWF is responding to the emergency 

Led by William Onen, the response team on ground is working tirelessly to settle new arrivals in Palabek. LWF team hits the road at 5:00am to the reception centre from where they dispatch to the settlement too. LWF’s response team is grouped in three; water and sanitary facility responders, core relief item distributers and the reception centre managing team.

The water and sanitary responders ensure that all the refugees at the reception centre and in the settlement have access to clean water. They coordinate water trucking to four tanks installed by LWF. The team is also ensuring boreholes are drilled to boost water supply.

The core relief item (CRI) distributers transport CRIs to strategic locations in the settlement for distribution to refugees; while the reception centre managing team registers new arrivals, ensures they get three hot meals, are medically screened, have access to overnight shelter and sanitary facilities.

The team whose day ends at 9:00pm is also working throughout the Easter festive season. "We are here to save lives and we shall not sit back, while they suffer helplessly," Onen says. "We shall continue working until all of them are settled and are living in dignity."

Communal shelters and washrooms constructed by LWF at Palabek reception centre.


LWF extends shelter and WASH facilities to new arrivals 

Twelve communal shelters have been constructed at the reception centre for overnight accommodation for new refugees. A cumulative total of over 120 communal latrines have been set up in Palabek-reception centre and settlement. Four water tanks have been installed, while two boreholes are being drilled. This is aimed at improving hygiene among the refugee community to prevent disease outbreaks.

Over 4,000 refugees have received core relief items and shelter construction kits distributed by LWF, with support from UNHCR.

LWF staff continue to manage the collection centre at Ngomoromo and the reception centre at Palabek. In Ngomoromo, LWF has previously offered communal shelter, sanitary facilities and clean water to new arrivals before they are referred to the reception centre.

However, the humanitarian assistance in Palabek settlement is constrained by limited resources.

We specially thank all the ACTAlliance member organisations, UNHCR and Church of Sweden for making our humanitarian work in Lamwo district possible. 

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